What we do
Dansverkstæðið – work rooms for choreographers, was started in 2010 by a group of choreographers who wanted to improve the working conditions of dance artists. Dansverkstæðið rents out studios to performing artists of all kinds; dance, theatre, opera and circus. It is also possible to rent spaces for courses and workshops, meetings or events.
Dansverkstæðið organizes morning classes and workshops for dancers and other performing artists. Through international projects, Dansverkstæðið opens new opportunities for dance artists and contributes to the development of the art form.
Reykjavík Dance Festival, The Icelandic Association of Professional Dancers and other dance organizations are based in Dansverkstæðið, making Dansverkstæðið a lively meeting place and home for the freelance dance scene in Iceland.
We are a shelter for talent and curiosity that is constructive, shares knowledge and nourishes the artist in a spirit of community.
We connect individuals and groups to the community and the world. A bridge between micro and macro.
With our voice we influence, share knowledge and create conversations.
We are a space for creative chaos.
These values of Dansverkstæðið
were agreed upon in February 2016

Tinna Grétarsdóttir
The board of Dansverkstæðið 2023
Rósa Ómarsdóttir, chairman
Sigurður Arent Jónsson, secretary
Bryndís Nielsen, treasurer
Valgerður Rúnarsdóttir
Snædís L Ingadóttir
Melkorka S Magnúsdóttir
Heba Eir Jonasdóttir Kjeld
Staff & board
Dansverkstæðið is a partner with Icelandic and international groups, institutions and individuals in a variety of projects.
NB8: Nordic circle Mentoring Program is a capacity building mentorship program and network for freelance dance producers.
CROWD - international dance exchange is a collaborative network of dance organisations, together seeking to support dance makers who engage with communities as part of their practice.
Keðja is an informal international network of dance organisations. Next event is Keðja STRETCH Vitlycke 2023
BPART - Be Part! is an international collaboration that stretches over a two-year cycle involving the Czech Republic, Mexico, Italy, Canada the United States and Iceland, which uses the artistic process as a tool to support the development of civil society, create a sense of belonging and increase visibility of marginalised groups. The project is financed by the EEA Fund and Norway.
Our story
Dansverkstæðið was founded in 2010 by a group of choreographers looking for a place to practice and develop their art and career. With support from Reykjavik city, they were able to rent the 4th floor in an abandoned biscuit factory on Skúlagata 28. Wooden floors were installed and the walls painted before the opening on October 1st.
After almost two years at Skúlagata 28, Dansverkstæðið moved to Skúlagata 30, 2nd floor and continued their work there until August 2017, when they had to move out because of housing development in the area. It took a year to secure new facilities and get them renovated to fit the needs of dancers, choreographers and other performing artists. Renovation was still under way in autumn 2018 when the first artists started rehearsing in the new facilities at Hjarðarhagi 47. Finally in autumn 2019 Dansverkstæðið had the official opening event, raising the two Dansverkstæðið flags in front of the house.
Reports on dance
Icelandic Dancers Association (FÍLD) and Dansverkstæðið have commissioned interesting reports about dance in Iceland. All reports are in Icelandic.
Dance direction 22/23
FILD, 2022
Dance House in Iceland
Samtök um Danshús,
Íslenski dansflokkurinn
and RDF, 2017
Dance Education in Iceland
FÍLD, 2011
Dance Vision 10/20
FÍLD, 2010
Suggestions for a Dance House
FÍLD, 2007

Ministry of Education, Science and Culture
supports Dansverkstæðið

Erasmus+ supports special projects

City of Reykjavík
supports Dansverkstæðið